's Exile
Few know it, but the latest scientific findings show that there was a time in our moon a lot more civilized people us. What's more, this group of individuals living there long before it breaks out here. These people, whom we call "Selenite" (by our nomenclature that refuses to detach from the Greek), noted for some time to develop our young planet and expressed a great hope because Mother (as we call our Earth) sister developed a culture that, which both orbs cosmic revolve symbiotic harmony with theirs. Needless to say, this did not happen, although it sounds redundant, it should be mentioned that very little is actually known of these people, because what they suggest is that at the time of taking up the first man in bipedal adventure, the people of the Moon packed up all their civilization and went away, until who knows what confines of this or any other galaxy. They
few documents (found in deep craters and amazingly written in a language which, although totally different to those here, is without major problem so that scholars have defined as "semantics of the subconscious") that was the moon a very different place than it is now. Something worth mentioning is the fact that selenite, who did not appear to be biologically very different to us, had succeeded in creating an artificial atmosphere, as their means of production, unlike ours, clean breathable air exhaled . All their wastes were synthesized in a manner that would not have to wait centuries (or millennia) to biodegrade, and anything that could jeopardize the balance of his world was sent directly to the Sun In fact, the space race was created, more that curiosity about the universe, for his aversion to pollution and toxic.
The existence of these beings no longer a mystery which will soon be what we discover, but also explains much about the way it is "accelerated" the technological progress of mankind. And is that experts Selena (who are, so far-three) were among the inhabitants of the Moon who is dedicated, although the ordinance general not to approach Mother, to teach our apelike ancestors practical things that allow their survival, like fire, the wheel, and other technology primitive and harmless.
However, it believes that "strong dissatisfaction" (a term used to refer to separation and total repudiation of our species selenite) came when they saw what they had given selflessly to humanity had served for the first men exercising the most terrible instinct: burned, pillaged, creating round projectiles, did the most unthinkable things with the arts learned. Even the beautiful temples were erected for triangular receive the selenite in different parts of the world had become more absurd sacrifices and ritual disguised violence. Selenite was there when they realized that this furry being helpless and could never understand what it was like to live in harmony, and that if the selenite were helping them, they might give meaning to a word that did not exist in their language, and yet there in all human languages: the war.
And so they decided to leave because they could not afford to live with so unpredictable neighbors. The moon was empty, as if each one of its craters had not never been a hydraulic support for floating cities where they lived Selenite. And when they picked their people, their culture and atmosphere can not know how they felt, whether relief or sadness, because feelings are not easily Selenite understand our still rudimentary arts. What I made clear was that even among them there were those who had hoped that the knowledge they had made with humanity might as well be your salvation, but there were few who thought so.
And on a night where on earth the men were too busy looking down, the selenite is gone forever from the moon. But according to three experts in the field, there are indications that we are still watching. And every so often, when a lunar eclipse and the moon is a red opaque melancholy, overlook a small little camera that left installed to take a snapshot (human language is still too limited to accurately relate the term selenite) from every corner of our state and check occasionally.
you come back someday? No one can know. But as we found in 1969, the Moon remains a desert, like the rest of this corner of the universe where it seems no one wants to approach. And we are still here, using the cosmic wisdom for our earthly nonsense.
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