Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ansel Stoklosa Mediafire

The Threads of Destiny Rise Top

Episode 2: The Awakening

had been two weeks since the fateful night that these two strangers had been operated at the Hospital del Mar. The two patients had gone through very tough night, after most of the time in the ICU, constantly struggling between life and death. The patient had been operated by Dr. Merino was fully awake, while the other man, who at first was of less concern, had fallen into a deep coma. Both had suffered a head contusion, but thanks to the experience of Isaac Murphy, the man seen by the senior doctor had a postoperative much more enjoyable, being able to wake up and even after such a brutal fall. While another stranger had intervened Dr. Galindo, a newcomer to the Hospital del Mar, who had been assigned to the emergency room (like most young interns) and was one of the few surgeons are available at the time, affecting Health directory of the second unknown.

Isaac During these two days had kept the diary found locked in his desk, so no curious could get their hands on, as the two men were the main topic of gossip back in the hospital. Merino was about to have a chat with unknown patient, who had been dubbed "Pepe" between the hospital staff while they theorized about the identity of both unknown, and further considering that all inquiries and investigations made by staff of the Hospital del Mar (ID routine in these cases by fingerprints or by using the system Reniec *) have ended in deadlock.

When Isaac finally came to the room "Pepe" a mixture of smells seized your senses: a strange fusion of hospitality and friendly aromas cheap, that made Isaac remember the low health budget of the Hospital del Mar the good heart of nurses, as "Pepe" was one of the few patients who enjoyed a "sweet tropical fragrance" valued at less than one euro.

Dr. Merino was ready to talk, but before he could utter a word, "Pepe" watched with a penetrating gaze, analyzing each part of the anatomy of the doctor: his eyes, his arms ... until he saw the paper he held in his hands. The same newspaper that wanted to read the entire hospital, the same day that Isaac was closely guarded so that no one read its contents until one of the two strangers wake up ...

"Excuse me of indiscretion and I skip the formalities doctor but I need to give me the paper, is of vital importance.

"Before I'd like to answer some questions. The first and obvious: Who are you? Then: What was fighting like a tightrope with another walker at the top of the Mapfre tower? And finally, why does not carry any identification?

The patient's face showed utter confusion at the massive barrage of questions by the veteran doctor. Merino realized almost instantly, his lack of professional touch in not saying anything patient's current health status:

hit "Excuse my interrogation. I Dr. Isaac Merino. It was I who underwent surgery two weeks ago. Thankfully his condition is stable and is currently having a favorable response to medication, although it will take several weeks for observation, and that its operation, despite having been successful, requires careful clinical monitoring for possible sequels or some kind of allergy or rejection drugs. Besides ...

"Of course it is excused, Doctor Merino, and I thank the clinical data on my speech, my reaction to medicines and other medical details, but I need to give me that paper once and for all . It is very important to me, much more than you think.


was Isaac Merino who was a little confusing. How important could be the day he had in his hands? What was the reason why his patient was so worried about him, leaving aside the details of his health, something as momentous as the struggle between life and death?

"Do not worry, I understand perfectly. I imagine that may serve to sort out his memories, and the bruise could have caused some kind of blackout.

In the face of "Pepe" drew a half smile, almost ironic.

"That's right doctor. It may seem that I'm too cranky to my health, but that I would not look like a lunatic ....

"Of course, do not worry. I will leave the newspaper in your hands. Again in a few hours when order placed on his head.

"Thank you, Doctor Merino, my coconut is a little played now, but I know I owe you some answers. I promise to be answered when we return in a few hours.

A look of comprehension and understanding across the face of Dr. Murphy, who recalls suffering many of its peers during the civil war, the large gaps that many suffered due to a state of shock or injuries too severe, both of body and mind, other than delusions, rallantes with madness ... Isaac was a relief to almost a joy, being one of the few survivors of that infamous war (or was it the only?) that was not done in a madhouse. If anyone had seen what he saw his platoon. If you ever felt able to tell someone, if only to remove that enormous weight off ... but no, can not, or rather should not know.

"Okay, and I repeat: do not worry and try to remember everything you can.

Dr. Isaac is about to leave, when it gets to point.

"Oh, certainly, in the hospital we have nicknamed" Pepe "because we do not know his name. Could you at least answer that question, for how to address you?

While Isaac was the last comment, "Pepe" had already begun to leaf through the newspaper. "Pepe" seemed to hesitate for a split second and drawing a small, almost imperceptible, friendly smile on his face.

-Marcus, MD. Call me Marcus.

Wheel of Destiny begins to turn ... What will bring this story?


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