Diary Day 28 Day 23
I managed to hunt. I finally got to see me face to face with him. He who killed my family, who left me hopeless, who burned my house to the ground.
His face showed complete insensitivity, it could demostrar un cadáver. Su largo cabello gris, volando con el viento, caía suavemente en sus hombros; mientras que su mano derecha juguetaba con un trozo de papel de un color que no logro identificar, ya que la velocidad con la que mueve el papel es vertiginosa... solo se ven rápidos y fugaces destellos del objeto en cuestión, hasta que súbitamente, "Él" cierra el puño poniendo fin al jueguecito, mientras una sonrisa diabólica se dibujaba en su rostro.
Me dará respuestas, tanto por las buenas... como por las malas.
- ¿Quién eres? ¡¿Por qué lo has hecho?! ¡¿Acaso había alguna razón para leave me with nothing?! "To boot from my hand the love of my life, to mow the lives of two innocent children, my children?! I want answers, dammit, and I Want It Now
A "He" does not seem to mind or my questions and my doubts, just smile and his voice, a cryptic voice and gravely said:
- I am you, you are me. Whatever happens, happens for a reason beyond human comprehension and your understanding, young Marcus. What's done is done, lad.
are the rules, and God as I enjoy them. Each abuse, every female, every murder, every rape ... your wife was great Marcus Go if you did well! He did not complain, just surrendered to me ... but of course, is logical because when we "put intimate" ... It was a fucking stiff!
Then burst, and anger took over me as I had never done in my thirty years of life.
I rushed towards "him" with a fury that he had never known existed even in my soul. Again that smile on your face bitch. I see something, a glint in his left hand: a knife.
evades me effortlessly, gracefully, like a feather in the wind they were, and I feel a sharp pain in the chest repeatedly: one, two, three, four ... until I stopped counting. "He" macabre laughed again and said,
-Terminus Est, Marcus.
After dark, simple, dark, mysterious, cryptic and eternal darkness.
- Marcus Daily, Day 23 -
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