Monday, November 28, 2005

Mistral Escape Windsurfer Review Mistral Escape

Cyber \u200b\u200bExperience

This year I was faced with several options for journalists, among which were the press area, radio y. .. Digital "?!. I must admit that at first I saw it with suspicion, but over time I understood that it was actually an opportunity to defeat the barriers of time and space often limit the free development of the communication.
I admit that I am a person who is defined as passionate about the cyber world and its derivatives as well but I can say that the issue does not attract me much, too I have the courage to acknowledge that I have gradually been gaining a sort of affection for it. But this newly acquired love not because if nothing else, nor because of the overnight I started to like sit down at computer to write notes and post them later in the blog, but it was giving the proper treatment and disposal the professor and his assistant put in a course for people like me are more interested in the subject.
Arturo Catalán and María Pastora Sandoval encourage us were to blame for the blog world, but what is even better, gave us high goals to achieve (in fact the cover of El Comercio) and thus demonstrate that even as students we can achieve much, what we need are opportunities and people who believe in us.
As if this great achievement had been too little, the thousand emails assistant told us that they would develop the III Ibero Digital Journalism Congress, where the goal each group was to report on the exhibitors. At first I did not give much importance, but looking at the background I realized that the goal was to get high, get the supplies will cost us and suddenly we suffer the difficulties that the work was.
While I am not very interested in the topic to the top, I did the duty to deliver what they were demanding, but also to "meet", I realized that everything we asked (either with theme of the Congress or throughout the year) was because they believed in us and because we were giving opportunities to exit the world via cyber and start planting achievements from now.
already completed the course, or at least that we are, and I have nothing more to be thankful the professor and his assistant for motivating and always set targets which encourage us to grow as journalists.
*** The theme of the Congress can not pass unnoticed because it meant a lot of work, so do clik here

Friday, November 11, 2005

Thumb Pinkie Sign Mean

'05 Contest 4: University Looking for Innovation and Leadership

This year, the University Federico Santa Maria conducted the fourteenth version of the Software Fair, where students presented their work and technological research through programs for companies, institutions and education. Hundreds of university

develop projects in the country, of which only some have the support and funding needed to be done and a great majority of these could mean the opening of markets in Chile and abroad.

The universities in the Fifth are a clear example of entrepreneurship. Within their laboratories and study rooms, students with a strong interest in innovative development projects, if funded, could give a favorable turn to the economy of a company.

Universities in Valparaíso, Playa Ancha, Federico Santa María and Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso have developed innovative plans for the use of marine resources, Biomedical Research, Food and environmental resources.

hours of research are worthwhile to take the step towards modernization, not only is necessary for these students go to class and take notes, but is essential to develop what science has become clear. However, these investigations can not be achieved without support, especially economic. Thus were created entities providing the assistance necessary to realize these proposals, knowing that the magnitude of these may change somewhat history.


The National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) is a public program administered by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) to stimulate and promote research development basic science in the country.

To that end, encourages individual initiative and research groups to fund research projects of excellence, irrespective of their areas or disciplines.

This fund has helped large and diverse university projects, giving the necessary support to carry out ideas that students want to implement.

The Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Development (Fondef), an agency of the National Commission on Science and Technology CONICYT is embedded in the National System of Public Funds for Technology Development.

This is due to a policy of scientific and technological development of the Government of Chile, as part of a national development strategy and technological innovation aimed at achieving a phase of technological maturity of the Chilean economy in the mid-century.

From this perspective, can be regarded as the first effort Fondef national scale of its kind. The first task

relevant Fondef was formed and installed in the scientific community - Chilean technology. This meant creating new laws and capabilities, overcoming the existing frameworks fecha.Se implemented rigorous scientific evaluation methods - technological and economic - social identified priority areas were set up effective ways of links between universities and companies and he course means of financing for larger projects and high impact.

contribution Fondef Triple - Call, coordination and funding - is contributing effectively to development the country. Indeed, the link institution - company is built on a solid and consistent. Fondef was created in 1991 with the aim of strengthening and using scientific and technological capabilities of universities and technological institutes and other institutes to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, and contribute to improving the quality of life of the population.

successful work

Students who have submitted outstanding projects have been supported by both his home studio as a financial institution.

Last year, The Catholic University Valparaiso about 9 projects developed with funding from the Fondecyt. Among these was to produce a dose to immunize against necrosis Pancrate fish and the bacteria Piscirickettsia salmonis. This organism is responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million fish each year in Chile, affecting various species such as coho salmon, Atlantic salmon and trout.

said William Otto, fourth-year student of Engineering in Aquaculture Implementation DOUCE-UC, the development of this vaccine will prevent economic losses of big fish that are dedicated to this industry. Otto says biochemist to stop development on fish diseases is a priority and therefore should be funded. Such projects, he says, are a major advance for science and technology and are proud that our country is being carried out.

Funded by FONDECYT, students and professors at the University of Playa Ancha (LAUP) has developed their projects in the field and Humanistic Education. Thus began last year to launch the development of innovative processes in teaching foreign languages, while the implementation of the Resource Center for Learning Spaces (CREA).

Zumarán Carolina, recently graduated from the UPLA as pre-school teachers, today it is essential that the teaching of languages, which is striving to develop projects in this area. Zumarán states that invest in projects that promote education is a fact that will bear fruit eventually beneficial for the country.


A large percentage of the projects designed by university students are rejected because they do not meet the objectives or simply are not a priority at that time. However, the creators of these ideas discarded think getting to the end trying to find some support.

One has been released, however, because they are jobs that are in development, their confidentiality is important, so the names of the universities to which they belong, the names of participants, including The project name can not be revealed.

is a digital project created by several students and researchers from a state university and one private. In the case of private work there two students and one teacher aide. This team has designed a software support for meetings of decision, ie, a highly optimized computer forum that the exponents are aware of the issue to be to deal with before, bringing a number of important data.

According has one of the participants from the private entity, the project takes several years. "The original idea belongs to the state entity, we will retake" says the engineering student. As for the reasons that led his group to develop further the project is that "" the original project won funding from FONDECYT and developed, but implementation was poor, very slow ... we had to do it all again ". During the new passage
have received funding from the state house of studies. "We received assistance from the university public-technical aspects of programming languages, source code, document reviews, etc.. Of our university hoped to obtain financing, but we have not received, which was extremely important, as we had to spend on hardware around $ 500 000 each. "
The university says its research house favors more to projects that have biological races rather than the engineering. "Apply for funding to our university and we were not granted, we do not know yet which was exactly right. "
However, this group of researchers believes that if the project is specified may make it known worldwide and as well be, will not give credit to those who did not support him. "Our software being developed, will be published in some papers worldwide, and the development group came to consensus, not to mention to our university for not giving us aid."

http:/ /
3) El Mercurio de Valparaíso

Monday, November 7, 2005

Eye Makeup To Make Hazel Eyes Pop

Busy Fujimori Arrested

refugee After five years abroad, the former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, set foot on Chilean soil the afternoon of Sunday, November 6, through a flight coming from Tokyo, to cross the northern border as easy as possible to realize what was proposed a few months ago, to return to their country to become president again All this despite the risk of being arrested because he is blamed, among other things, if the author ordered the murder of 25 people between 1991 and 1992. For hours

discussed between Chile and Peru if Fujimori had to be stopped. The ombudsmen in government discussed this possibility until the morning of November 7, the former president was arrested by Chilean police investigations through the application of the Minister of Justice Orlando Alvarez.
Before his arrest, Carter said that "it is my purpose to remain temporarily in Chile, as part of the process of returning to Peru and fulfill the commitment to an important sector of the town Peru has called me to participate as a candidate for president of the Republic in the upcoming elections of 2006. "

The secretary of the Chilean Supreme Court, Carlos Meneses, told that" Don Claudio Troncoso, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was the one who brought an application for detention ordered by the Peruvian embassy through the ministry. "

The Peruvian government for its part, asked the courts to extradite Fujimori for it to be executed in Peru, for which it was stipulated that the country has two months to realize this application.

The outlook for Chile and Peru had been intensifying since Thursday, November 3, after the latter arbitrarily decreed the new maritime boundary between the two nations. Fact that has kept relations tense in recent days.

He said to, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, "it does not mean a greater difficulty in what has been the different views we have had regarding the limits in the Pacific Ocean."